
General Information

Full Name Angelos Poulis
Languages Greek (native), English (fluent)



  • Oct. - Jul. 2024
    Research Intern
    KDD lab, UoA
    • Worked on the AutoFair project advised by Prof. Dimitrios Gunopulos.
    • I was responsible for designing an automated toolkit for detecting bias in ML models, examining trade-offs between different measures of fairness, certify their fairness a priori and provide explanations for the models.
    • Accepted as a poster paper at EuroSys 2024. Check the abstract here.
  • 2022-2024
    Undergraduate Research Student
    AI Team, UoA
    • As part of my undergraduate thesis, I worked on logical reasoning using transformer language models (TLMs), supervised by Prof. Manolis Koubarakis and Dr. Eleni Tsalapati.
    • We created the first description logic benchmark to systematically evaluate the logical reasoning capabilities of TLMs.
    • Published at EKAW 2024.

Honors and Awards